

Familie Flöz

With an inimitable mime artistry and tours all around the world, German company Familie Flöz gives life, without a word, to a tale without any bittersweet words, where magic occurs. In a villa looking like a fortress, by the sea, a family is celebrating the daughter’s wedding. In the shadow, the pressure on the domestic servants is at its peak. Social labels are at play when, all of a sudden, a pregnant and homeless stranger shows up. The order of things becomes disrupted… Those naively human but sublime characters carry us away in their wake with humor, poetry and tenderness, with no distinction whatsoever.


Upcoming performances open to the public


  • Duration 1h35
  • Language without words
  • Place Theatre
  • Full price Cat. 1 : 20 €
    Cat. 2 : 16 €
  • Young persons Cat. 1 : 9 €
    Cat. 2 : 8 €


De Andres Angulo, Björn Leese, Johannes Stubenvoll, Thomas van Ouwerkerk, Michael Vogel Mise en scène Michael Vogel Assistant à la mise en scène Bjoern Leese Scénographie Felix Nolze / Rotes Pferd Lumières Reinhard Hubert Costumes Mascha Schubert Masques Hajo Schüler Son Dirk Schröder Musique Maraike Brüning, Benjamin Reber Chanson Hold on / Marlena Käthe Avec Andres Angulo, Johannes Stubenvoll, Thomas van Ouwerkerk Crédit photo Simon Wachter


Coproduction Familie Flöz ; Theaterhaus Stuttgart ; Theater Duisburg ; Lessing Theater Wolfenbüttel Aide Hauptstadtkulturfonds

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La Repubblica

« Une oeuvre sans paroles mais extraordinairement éloquente. »

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